All your HR data.
One tool.
One place.

AI-Powered People Analytics

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Resignation risk
Burnout risk

Automatically turn all siloed HR data into insights.

Trusted By

“Senior management is asking for metrics, metrics, metrics…. and now HR can deliver.”
Inbar Dayan, Global VP, People
Burnout prevention

Detect people
risks early

Find organizational blindspots.
Before it’s too late.


Act when people are working excessive hours

Interventions, based on what’s really happening within an organization.


Help managers build healthy teams

AI-tailored training for personal and leadership development.

Business goals

Align talent with
business goals

Close the loop between analytics and impact.

Support DEI

Foster a culture of diversity and inclusion

Get the missing data to resolve inequality and bias.

Integrates with existing HRIS and Communications platforms

+50 integrations
Communication & Collaboration
Google Workspace
Microsoft 365
Microsoft Teams
+30 integrations

Experience Behavioral People Analytics

A deep dive into big data produces some surprising results. But it’s not an academic exercise.
Real change is possible when we dig beneath the surface.

Which Teams are at risk of losing key talent?

A focus on retaining key talent in a period preceded by uncertainty and layoffs.


Identification of teams most at risk of losing key employees.  Further analysis of risk factors including isolation and burnout also provided.


Two development teams were flagged as having an extremely high likelihood of employee departures in the next 3 to 6 months.


HR used this data to engage with specific Team leaders and identify concrete actions to alleviate underlying factors leading to resignation.  

Are Teams working extreme hours?

A concern was raised that in a post-lay-off period, employees have assumed additional responsibilities which could lead to burnout.


Mapped the activities of all teams to identify those teams with excessive or extremely low workloads.  Additional comparisons were made on focus time and time spent in meetings.


Across the organization, almost 8% of employees belong to teams identified as having high burnout risk based on overworking.


Because there was no option of hiring additional resources, HR used this data to engage with specific Team leaders and develop concrete plans to redistribute workloads and implement flexible working hours.  

How diverse is management?

Senior management recognized that there is an underrepresentation of specific population groups in management positions. HR was tasked with providing a report on how widespread the phenomena is but lacked data.  


A comprehensive analysis of team leads, line managers and senior managers across the entire organization at a team, group and division level.  Additional analytics into resignation and burnout risks were performed.


Rankings of representation levels across all teams, highlighted areas of significant underrepresentation.  The rate of potential burnout from individuals from underrepresented groups was over 57% the rate for all managers.  


The information on diversity has provided HR with a new tool to address DEI at an individual level. The immediate action has been to include this information in promotion evaluation meetings. In specific cases where the patterns of underrepresentation were most severe, it has required escalations. Specific instances of burnout and resignation factors were communicated to division management for potential interventions.

 Transparency is the new normal

Can your organization pivot to comply with the potential complexities of emerging state and regulatory reporting requirements?

Watercooler supports HR by analyzing firm-specific labor market data to comply with emerging state and federal regulatory authorities on current and future disclosure laws, DEI metrics, and human capital reporting requirements.

SEC Human Capital Disclosure Requirement in Form 10K for public companies. Metrics include diversity and inclusion, employee engagement, and voluntary turnover.
US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEO-1 report) requirement to submit demographic workforce data, including data by race/ethnicity, sex, and job categories.  
The 2023 California Pay Transparency Laws require the annual reporting of pay rates for each combination of race, ethnicity, and  sex within each job category.

About us

We all agree that data-driven decisions are critical for HR to become more strategic.

The question is how do we get there?
With AI analytics, insights can be intuitive, data can easily be accessed, and talent risk can be predicted.

Yet, despite expectations for real-time analytics and agility, HR still relies on periodic surveys, gut intuition, and time-consuming manual spreadsheets,

Watercooler extracts and cleans all your people and operational data so that you can see what’s really happening in your organization. Every function of an organization is becoming more data-driven and so is HR.

Now you can look at a team’s digital footprint and get a real-time view.

This gives an HR manager early detection of talent risk and insights for customized intervention.

The result:
lower costs by reducing key talent loss
improve employee engagement
take better care of your people


By the time we find out what’s going on with people and teams, it’s often too late to make a difference.
Employees need to be heard, and Watercooler makes this happen.


Every team has its own digital footprint. Watercooler analyzes these data trails and helps managers identify and act on talent vulnerabilities before they become regrettable turnover.


Watercooler is a data-driven, real-time view of your people without the need to wait for the next survey. You can now manage engagement and well-being proactively with our Behavioral People Analytics.

Resolve people problems with real-time data

Behavioral People Analytics changes everything. Don't say we didn't warn you.

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